Key lanyards must not hang from pockets

By Garrison Murphy ’15
In an effort to maintain student body dress uniformity, Mr. Pat Higgins said he will be enforcing the existing policy that lanyards should not be hanging out of pockets.
The trend, characterized by dangling a key lanyard out of a front pocket, became popular at the end of the 2013-2014 school year, according to Mr. Higgins.
Mr. Higgins cited upkeep of campus security and ease of student identification via dress uniformity as rationale for the recent policy emphasis.
“It’s not about theft, that’s not a problem on campus … it’s in the student handbook,” Mr. Higgins said. “It relates to campus security … the student body should be easily identifiable by dress.”
Some students said lanyard dangling is not a student dress outlier but an identifier.
“People have been doing it for a long time, it’s just a style Brophy students have become accustom to in the last few years,” said Garrett Pedicini ’15. “It’s a thing a lot of kids do, it’s easy to put my keys on and I will never lose them this way.”
Section L under “Student Dress Code” in the student handbook reads, “Any hairstyle, mode of dress, or excessive ornamentation (e.g., heavy jewelry, long chain wallets, or key chains extending outside the pants or shorts) that creates disunity on campus or is deemed inappropriate by the Dean of Students will be prohibited. Inappropriate items may be confiscated.”