By Will Schubert ’15 & Garrison Murphy ’15
St. Francis Xavier Church began construction on new buildings this past summer and looks to double the size of its parish, subsequently adding to the amount of parking spots Brophy is allotted.
The construction east of the existing building eliminated a row of Brophy parking, but SFX Church officials added extra parking near the elementary school that increased the amount of space students can park, according to Security Director Mr. John Buchanan.
The first street entrance to the North Parking Lot will remain open.
Mr. Buchanan said this parking addition fulfills the 105 parking spot allotment that SFX gives Brophy in the North Lot, and church officials’ plans contain “islands” and intersection improvements to speed up traffic flow.
“Initially we thought it was going to be a problem, but after watching traffic flow I think it’s going pretty well,” Mr. Buchanan said. The Rev. Dan Sullivan, S.J., pastor at SFX, said the project was prompted because the parish was using buildings intended for different purposes, and never had a parish hall.
The administrative center, which was the old priest residence, was turned into offices in 2000.
“We were taking a building that was meant to be residence for the Jesuits and turning it into something for which it was never really intended and it wasn’t really efficient,” Fr. Sullivan said.
The project was made possible due to a $5 million donation by “The Anderson Family Foundation” and is set to be totally completed in 2015.
St. Francis Xavier developed it’s Master Plan in the spring of 2006, which included the construction of a new elementary school, faith education center, parish hall and an administrative complex for the faculty of St. Francis Xavier parish, according to Fr. Sullivan.
The church addition that is currently being built will include one large building with three floors, a large courtyard and a prayer garden.
Fr. Sullivan said the lower floor of the building is going to be used for the maintenance office as well as storage. The second and third floors are going to be multipurpose.
With the off site West Parking Lot no longer available for parking because of another construction project, some students are relieved to see an increase in parking spots.
“Anything that adds parking I’m all for,” said Austin Inglett ’15. “This is great for anyone who plays a sport.” Inglett said the new spots will make his life easier during volleyball season as it provides more parking spots near the gym.