Photo by AK Alilonu ’16 - Paul Cassidy ’19 has a unique and “indie” style that reflects his positive and outgoing diposition.
Photo by AK Alilonu ’16 – Paul Cassidy ’19 has a unique and “indie” style that reflects his positive and outgoing diposition.
By Matthew Zacher ’18
Walking from class to class, it is easy to point out Paul Cassidy ’19 because of his unique fashion.
Cassidy wears a combination of various colors and patterns that would be outside of typical standards of fashion.
Cassidy does not plan out his outfits everday, but rather said he wants his outfits to be personal to him.
Tommy Bullington ’19 has known Cassidy since second grade and currently has six classes with him this semester.
“I think Paul is the type of person that people want to be,” Bullington said. “He is always positive. I think he has like zero enemies.”
When it comes to Cassidy’s style, Bullington described it as “indie.”
“What really makes Paul pull it off is his outgoing attitude and the fact that he doesn’t really care if people think he’s strange,” Bullington said.
Cassidy started dressing in this colorful, unique way in the fifth grade. However, he said that some of his classmates teased him for his vibrant and different taste.
Cassidy moved to St. Francis Xavier Elementary School after his fifth grade year, but he said that since then he has grown more confident.
Mr. Ryan Hubbell is one of Cassidy’s teachers, and he said that Cassidy’s characteristics in the classroom are very similar to his style.
“He is a smart kid, and he is not afraid to share his own opinions,” Mr. Hubbell said. “But he does it in an effortless way. Kind of like his style. He is out there, but it never feels like he is trying.”
Mr. Hubbell described Cassidy’s style as, “90’s In Living Color meets an Urban Outfitters catalogue, which is a compliment I think.”
Cassidy said that he wears a lot of consignment items, and frequently shops at Buffalo Exchange.
“People will call me a hipster,” he said. “I don’t know if I am, but I guess it’s just different from what people will normally see other people wearing.”
Michael Collins ’18 has known Cassidy for years, and said that he thinks Cassidy’s style is passionate and outgoing, though it is difficult to categorize.
“Paul’s style is very hard to categorize because his style in itself is special to him and I have yet to meet someone with his type of style,” Collins said.
“I think his style clearly works, as shown by the positive impact he has, and by the amount of people that have grown to like him,” he said.
Collins does not feel he could pull off Cassidy’s style the way he does.
“I believe my style is different and I doubt I could pull it off with such impassioned mannerisms such as Paul Cassidy does,” he said.
Cassidy’s singularity is not contained to his style, however. He won Brophy’s Poetry Out Loud competition as a freshman, and also has a black belt in Taekwondo.