Photo by Andrew Brown ’18 | Loyola students have P.E. class in the dutch gymnasium Feb. 28. Students have shown that they enjoy the new gym and the facilities that it offers.
Photo by Andrew Brown ’18 | Loyola students have P.E. class in the dutch gymnasium Feb. 28. Students have shown that they enjoy the new gym and the facilities that it offers.
By Manuel Mata-Flores ’19
Around campus students are showing their appreciation of the new “Dutch” gymnasium by saying what they like about the gym and what it brings to campus.
The “Dutch” gymnasium officially opened to all students on Wednesday, Jan. 5.
There are three floors in the building and each contain their fair share of innovations to the gym. The bottom floor contains the weight room, the wrestling room and the sprinting track. The second floor contains the basketball court and the student gym. The third floor contains a running track, virtual golf equipment and classrooms.
When asked about the whole building Henry Amador ’20 said he liked it like most students on campus.
“I like the gym because sometimes there are Loyola scholars inside the other gym when we had class but now we can use this one,” Amador said.
The new gym is open to the Loyola scholars just as well as the Brophy students.
“We probably could not have done without the gym because there are tons of kids in here and we need some space to hang out in,” Amador said.
The floor where students hang out most in the gym is on the main floor, which also contains a rest area and a study area.
“I think that the gym is a good change now because we can get a lot accomplished for sports,” said A.J. Kavness ’19.
However at least one student had mixed opinions on the new building.
“I think we could have done something else with the space because we already have a gym…and the fact that we were running out of classrooms, we had the extra space why not use it,” said Ben Drake ’17. “But I think the accommodations are nice and it was time to get out of the old dinky weight room that was falling apart.”
The gym is frequently being used by students and teachers during its open hours: before, during and after school.
Just more than one month after opening, the school’s new practice gym is being used as if it has been a part of the campus for years.