Photo by Edwin Perez ‘18 | Students signing up for clubs during club expo
Photo by Edwin Perez ‘18 | Students sign up for clubs during club expo.
By Michael Niezgodzki ’18
Hundreds of Brophy’s student body assembled in the northwest corner of the Great Hall to view Brophy’s club exposition at lunch on Tuesday Sept 12th.
Club posters and trifolds filled the hall as club leaders tried to recruit new members.
Right in the middle of the expo there was the Savasana Club.“We do this type of meditation/sleep in Yoga class that is so relaxing, and I thought, why not make it a club?”said Max Mayfair ’18.
More and more students crammed into the Great Hall as lunch went along.
As the expo continued, more clubs were gaining attention. For example, Young Independents club.
This club is run by John Couture ’18.“I felt that the Young Democrats and Young Republicans club were running out of arguments to go at each other about. I feel that there are also independents on Brophy’s campus that have an opinion too. This club won’t meet that much but will definitely hold some great debates and people will get a chance to share their beliefs on certain topics,” Couture said.
Then again on Thursday Sept. 14th, about the same amount of students went into the Great Hall for the second round of the expo.
This time around all the clubs were different but the same tactics were used by club leaders to get new members. There was yelling, flag waving, and even videos of surfing.
Mr. Tony Oldani helps moderate several clubs and helps organize this club fair. He was smiling and laughing at some of the clubs whose leaders were acting funny or using funny ways to get students to come over to their area.
As the expo came to an end Thursday afternoon, clubs took down their set ups and now are looking forward to a great year with their club.