Varsity players taking one game at a time, look to improve from free throw line, turnover margin
By Chris Baca ’11

Brophy players and coaches are looking to this basketball season with confidence thanks to hard work and preparation.
Head coach Mr. Tony Fuller summarized the team’s goal in one simple sentence:
“Win a lot of games, win the region, and advance to the playoffs,” Mr. Fuller said.
Looking back, last year’s team had its share of fine moments.
They beat rival St. Mary’s twice, beat then-top-ranked Mesa and Chandler before placing third in the Arrowhead Desert Classic Tournament.
The season, however, was cut short in the first round of the 5A-1 tournament.
“I’d like to improve our free throw percentage and assist-turnover ratio,” Mr. Fuller said when asked about how he would like to improve the team.
Mr. Fuller said he believes that the players have made a commitment to the team concept.
Players and coaches refused to single out anyone in particular and fervently believe that “the team is a team” and that should be the focus.
Senior center Sai Tummala ’11 expanded on the team’s outlook and goals regarding the upcoming season.
“Our goal this year is to take our season and playoff run one step at a time and just win the next game,” Tummala said.
All in all, the team is optimistic and ready to play.
“I think our basketball team is looking great. We have definitely put in the work to win,” Tummala said.
The team is made of up six seniors, six juniors and a lone sophomore.
Seniors Rodrigo Furtado ’11, Justin Hamman ’11, Wilson Horn ’11, Chris Pierre ’11, Tummala and Sanders Windham ’11 look to provide veteran leadership.
Juniors James Harper ’12, Jordan Medl ’12, Greg Patten ’12, Fred Gammage ’12, Peter Scobas ’12 and Garron Scoon ’12 look to excel in their second season with the varsity squad.
Mike Hauser ’13 will make his debut on the varsity team as a sophomore.