Study tips for finals success
By Colin M. Prenger ’11

There is light at the end of the tunnel, and the light is winter break.
The only thing standing between you and winter break is finals week.
The one and only goal for students during finals is to make it to the other side of this daunting week alive with good test results.
But in order for students to have a successful week with the least amount of stress, coming from a senior with a lot of finals under his belt, they must prepare a study plan to yield the best results.
There are no two ways about it, finals week is long, difficult and exhausting.
It is similar to a marathon because it requires much endurance to succeed.
With proper preparation and an “I can do this” mindset, finals week should become slightly easier for you.
During the last couple weeks of the semester, most teachers at Brophy have discussed the final and what it could be about.
Organization of your course materials is paramount in getting good test grades. Before you start studying for finals, make a chart or list for each final and what you specifically have to study for.
For each class write down what the final is about or could be about, and create or use a cumulative review.
A habit that you do not want to fall into is to study using the “look it over” technique.
This does not work – at all. Your eyes pass over dozens of words, but your brain never absorbs the information.
In addition to getting plenty of sleep and good nutrition, use time wisely during the afternoons following finals. A tendency is to want to relax all afternoon, but this is a golden opportunity to study for tests the next day.
Just pretend that finals are a three-day marathon. Work hard, and after you are done you can relax for two weeks and enjoy the holidays.