By Alex Stanley ’12
The “Blog” of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks
A sign reads: We Have “Fish Tacos.”
One might ask, why is fish tacos in quotation marks? Then the mind travels to what the author actually meant when they placed the quotation marks.
Was it a mistake, or are those fish taco imitators?
This is the forte of this blog, poking fun at the blatant misuse of quotation marks.
This blog is simply pictures of incidents where quotation marks are where they should not be.
It is usually followed by a witty remark that questions what is implied by adding quotation marks.
Although, sometimes people use quotations so horribly wrong that a strange interpretation is nonexistent.
A prime example of this would be a sign reading: You “do not have” to place your receipt on dash, your space number has been recorded.
Grammar snobs will love this funny website, which features hundreds of examples of the misunderstanding of quotes.
So were those fish tacos? Or maybe “fish tacos” whatever that means?
Anti-Joke is a site that is full of jokes that are not funny.
In fact they are actually quite serious and sometimes end up being depressing.
But this is what makes the site so funny, the fact that it is not funny.
Users take a typical joke set-up and twist the punch-line to make it unfunny. For example: “A duck walks into a bar.” – “Animal control is promptly called and the duck is released in a nearby park.”
See, not funny.
Many of the jokes even feature endings that are almost twisted, such as: “Why did the boy drop his ice cream?” – “Because he was hit by a bus.”
The ending makes the reader do a U-Turn, and although it was sick, the strange twist makes the joke comical in its own right.