By Logan Hall ’14

Brophy varsity swimmer Chris Webb ’12 will swim alongside big names such as Michael Phelps in the Olympic Trials in Omaha, Neb. June 25 to July 2, 2012.
Webb started swimming competitively at age seven, and has racked up numerous state championships.
Webb swims four times a week along with dry land workouts like weight training and cardio.
Webb’s Brophy teammate Luke Williams ’13 said that Webb is a very important aspect of the team not only because of his speed but also his friendship.
“He’s a really good friend and would always be there for anyone if they needed him,” Williams said.
Webb, who is currently ranked No. 1 in Arizona, qualified for the Olympic Trials at Junior Nationals.
The events Webb will participate in are the 250-meter freestyle and 500-meter freestyle. He is optimistic about the Olympic Trials and said that he will be looking for a best time.
“I’m optimistic about the Trials,” Webb said, “I’m really excited to race, and I hope I’ll do well.”
Webb will be swimming alongside former Brophy swimmers, Austin Thompson ’09, who is currently enrolled at the University of Arizona, John Wojciechowski ’10, who is currently at the University of Michigan, and Alex Lendrum ’09, who is currently competing at the University of Southern California.
High school will not be the end of swimming for Webb. Webb currently has five recruiting offers from University of Southern California, California Berkley, the University of Virginia, the University of Michigan and the University of Minnesota.
Webb said he is undecided on where he wants to go, but is very happy to be recruited by such prestigious schools.