By Nick May ’13

It’s 6:15 A.M.
While most students are still in bed dreading the buzz of alarm clocks, Jeff Bennett ’13 is already starting his lengthy drive from his home in Anthem to begin his busy day.
He starts each day as a Student Council member, which he has been a part of for three years.
“Student Council is awesome,” Bennett said. “It’s really sweet because we get to put on great events for everyone. At least I hope they’re great.”
After StuCo, Bennett attends a catalog of AP and honors classes to obtain his dream of attending Stanford or another top tier college.
“I’m going for Stanford, Duke, Boston College, Claremont-McKenna, Notre Dame and I don’t know, maybe Columbia,” Bennett said.
Bennett participates in the fall Xavier musical every year and earned the male lead role of “Beauty and the Beast” in his junior year.
More recently he was a part of the Xavier musical “Sound of Music,” again taking the male lead role of Captain Von Trapp.
“The theater is sweet,” Bennett said. “You pretty much get to do whatever you want on stage and kind of take over and it’s pretty gratifying. It’s one of my passions.”
In the spring, Bennett will be a member of the Brophy volleyball team.
“We are gonna win state,” Bennett said. “I hope I didn’t jinx it. This year is going to be great though. We’ve got a great group of guys.”
Coming into his senior year on the volleyball team, Bennett will be expected to take on a greater leadership role on the court.
“I think it’s his most challenging leadership role because volleyball is the one place where he is really good but there are kids that are more talented than he is and so he has to lead from the back,” said Mr. Tony Oldani. “He has to impact the kids with what he says and how he goes about things.”
Bennett also plays a role in clubs on campus taking leadership roles in many of them.
“I’m a Big Brother, the Red and White club for the admissions office and I’m on the NHS and Family to Family executive board,” Bennett said.
While Bennett is thoroughly involved in activities, he doesn’t let it get to his head.
“He isn’t a kid who has had success and let it change who he is and how he treats people,” Mr. Oldani said. “He is still this kind of lovable dork despite being great at lots of things.”
Bennett said he partakes in all these activities for the right reasons.
“I’m just doing these things because I like to stay involved,” Bennett said. “I like to stay busy. I just don’t want to be that conceded guy that talks about all the stuff he does. I hope I can be an inspiration and role model for younger kids to get involved and break out of their shell.”