Escaping a conventional school schedule that has dismissal from school at anytime between 2:30 and 3:30, Brophy’s 12:35 p.m. early release Fridays are better than their 9:30 a.m. late start Thursdays giving students an early start to their weekends
As much as students might prefer that extra amount of sleep they get on late start days, early release is better than that because it has so many benefits compared to late start. After a long and packed week full of perhaps math tests and chemistry labs and after-school activities, it is so nice to be able to leave early on the last day of the school week and get an early jump on the weekend plans.
Having the idea in your head that it is Friday and that the weekend light is at the end of the tunnel definitely helps power through whatever classes are taking place that day and it definitely makes it a top contender for the best day of the week.
A release from school roughly 2 hours before the normal release seems to only buttress the “chill” reputation that Fridays have attained.
I personally enjoy early release because it gives me more time to do other things such as get food, do homework, hangout with friends, etc before an extra curricular commitment.
“Early release days make Fridays more bearable especially if you have a hard class at the end of the day…” said Gabe Aguirre ’26. He said he has 7th period chemistry so it is a nice way for him to de-stress and look forward to something at the end of the school day. “It also gives me more time to hang out with friends after school too,” Aguirre said.