By Brett A. Mejia ’13
The Brophy Science Bowl team won Arizona’s state championship for the National Science Bowl competition March 3.
Led by Brophy science teachers Mr. Patrick Kolb and Ms. Cheryl Lenox, the team battled against 32 other teams, the most to have ever entered the competition, and came out victorious.
The competitors included: Wes Fulmer ’12, Nehal Samra ’13, Jordan Bruner ’13, Kapil Kanagal ’13, Raj Vatsa ’14, Ivan Iotzov ’12, Andrew Salmon ’14, Aakash Jain ’14, Seth Harris ’14 and Kyle Chapman ’14.
Iotzov, Salmon, Jain, Harris and Chapman will continue to Washington, D.C. to compete for the national event against many other schools from across the nation.
The U.S. Departmemt of Energy sponsored event will take place during April 26-30.