Globalization featured as main focus of Summit
By Andrew Atallah ’10
In this time of economic recession, many people are slowly realizing the impact the United States perpetuates on the world around it.
This theme is the subject of this year’s Summit on Human Dignity: globalization.
The official title of the 2010 Summit on Human Dignity is “Room at the Table: Globalization, Economic Justice and Human Dignity.”
“The Summit will be specifically looking at the economy and globalization,” said Assistant Principal for Ministry Mrs. Kim Baldwin.
According to the Summit mission statement, “Students will be challenged to consider how globalization affects the dignity and rights of the human person in the present and into the future.”
It kicks off with Mass led by Fr. Doug Marcoullier, S.J. on Monday, Feb. 22 and concludes with a prayer service on Friday, March 5.
Speakers will include Fr. Marcoullier, John Perkins and Jim Keady.
Perkins is best known for his book “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” and Jim Keady is known for making a documentary called “Behind the Swoosh,” which explores the conditions of Nike’s sweatshops in Indonesia.
Just like last year, students will attend three workshops Wednesday, Feb. 24 that they will again register for online.
There will be three to four field trips to various locations around the Valley related to the subject of globalization.
Last year more than 90 students attended the after school field trips.
After-school activities include an evening film screening that will take place at Brophy.
In addition to this, a group of about 16 students will travel to the Kino Border Institute on Saturday, Feb. 27.
The faculty committee that is planning the Summit is headed by Mrs. Baldwin and consists of 14 teachers.
Mrs. Baldwin said that this committee is larger than last year’s.
The Student Planning Committee in its second year has taken over more responsibilities. Senior Danny Wilson ’10 leads the group.

The student committee, among other things, is responsible for bringing Keady to speak and organizing the field trips.
“They are just a great group of guys that really want to make it a positive experience for the students,” Mrs. Baldwin said.
Brophy will also debut a re-usable soda container during the Summit, which can be used at the Great Hall and will be sold in the Varsity Shop.
This summer, in correlation with the Summit, Brophy will be taking a group of students on a three-week immersion trip to Kenya.
Mr. Brad Shear will lead that trip.
These students will be working with an organization called Me to You in an effort to achieve solidarity with Kenyans and learn about the effects of globalization.
Another feature of the Summit is a student art contest and a T-shirt design contest.
Last year’s Summit on the environment is in many ways connected with the upcoming Summit on globalization.
“There will be some connection and overlap between the two; we are looking forward to that,” Mrs. Baldwin said.