It is my duty to use the small following that I have gained from working with The Roundup over the past couple of years to uplift unseen and underappreciated art. With that in mind “Hundreds of Beavers” is an unsung masterpiece in slapstick comedy and hasn’t received the attention that it rightly deserves. It’s the hilarious result of talented people having the resources and free reign to make something truly special.
The film was initially released in 2022 to a few select theaters but saw a wide release on streaming earlier this year. As the debut film from writer-director Mike Chesliks it serves as a triumphant love letter to the physical comedy reminiscent of the silent era of film drawing inspiration from icons like Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin.
“Hundreds of Beavers” tells a classic tale of man versus nature as it follows an unequipped applejack salesman thrust into the wilderness to become the world’s greatest fur trapper.
The best compliment that I can give it is that it feels like a cartoon come to life as it fills the screen with energy and liveliness, it playfully toys with the viewer’s expectations as it lunges from bit to bit. At any given moment it can feel like there are ten jokes happening at once.
Visually it is unlike anything that I have ever seen. The film was made on a shoestring budget so the filmmakers had to get creative with the effects with most of them being practically made. While the lack of budget is definitely noticeable I would argue that it only enhances the film as it makes the visual gags pop even more and the whole thing has a shine of charming cheapness.
I could make up a weak explanation for why this movie is secretly deeper than it really is, that it’s trying to say something that it’s not but this movie is just pure bliss from front to back. It has more creativity and heart than most big-budget blockbusters, I don’t remember the last time that I’ve laughed this hard at a movie.
It’s free on Youtube so please give it the light of day I promise that it will be worth your while.