By Brett A. Mejia ’13
Being a leader at Brophy is just one aspect to what it means to become a Man for Others.
Flavio Bravo ’12, a 2012 runner-up for The Roundup’s Man of the Year Award, has gone above and beyond when it comes to helping the community, Brophy and his fellow Broncos.
When Bravo attended St. Francis Xavier for grades four through eight, he said he looked up at the Brophy tower every day, working harder and harder, so that he could one day become a Bronco.
“Brophy is only one aspect of my life,” Bravo said. “From my years at Brophy I have learned to try and be someone who tries to represent Brophy in all aspects.”
Recently, Bravo has been working with the city of Phoenix on political endeavors. He said he is working with councilmen for city district No. 1 and they are trying to fix the growing problems that are taking place in the city.
“I think there are problems that we don’t realize, being a private school, but the Phoenix Union High School District and the high schools that surround us, there are extremely poor standards,” Bravo said.
Apart from conversing with the city of Phoenix about the current standard for schools in Arizona, Bravo has become president of the Aguila Youth Leadership Institute which prepares high school students from around the state go to college.
“When high school students are solely prepared to take the AIMS exam, but not the SAT or ACT, then there is no expectations for them to go onto college, no expectations for them to even graduate,” Bravo said.
Bravo’s other activities include: swim, dance, choir, being the Brophy mascot, giving the daily prayer and examen, leading retreats and much more.
“Flavio is very loyal and committed,” said Assistant Principal for Ministry Ms. Kim Baldwin. “He’s consistently stepped up to do anything in the OFJ. Whether we need an alter server or someone to do the examen or someone to lead a retreat or someone to show up on a Saturday to clean up after a Brophy event, Flavio is that guy.”