By Joe Skoog ’13

I have run into the light pole on Central and Camelback about 10 times.
Not because I can’t see it, but because I am texting.
The need to read text messages while in motion can sometimes seem a necessity, but this can lead to adverse effects.
You would think this goes without saying, but apparently it does not as new findings show not being able to see where you are going can have harmful effects.
Even some cities have taken steps to avoid pedestrian accidents.
Philadelphia recently put in place a pilot lane for pedestrians who are texting while walking. Originally started as an April Fools’ Day prank, the lane actually helped raise awareness for the dangers of walking while texting.
While the obvious problem of running into other people, poles or even cars can justify a new pilot lane, a more furry roadblock has caused problems for one particular pedestrian.
In a video from last April, a news helicopter shows an unwitting man walk headlong into a bear while texting. Luckily he was able to get away, but generally, most people would like to keep their bear contact to a minimum.
Even though Phoenix’s bear problem has been under control in recent years, students should still look where they are going while texting.
I have seen many students walk into each other or into doors throughout the day. If students would stop or wait until they get to class to send or read text messages, they would stop being nuisances to those who are in a hurry.
With people this distracted while walking and texting, it’s obvious how dangerous the situation would be if the person was driving.
Your hilarious text can wait. Just please get out of our way.
And watch out for that light pole on Central and Camelback.