The staff of The Roundup brought home 46 awards from the 2014 Arizona Interscholastic Press Association Fall Convention.
The awards cover a spectrum of categories including writing, design, photography and online journalism.
Roundup staff members earned nine “superior” honors, the top individual award, and the staff won second place in both the Newspaper and Online general excellence categories.
Click here to see a list of all the winners.
The annual AIPA Fall Convention was Monday, Oct. 27 at Arizona State University. Fourteen Roundup staff members attended along with editors from BLAM, the Brophy Literary Arts Magazine.
Find The Roundup in news racks on campus or online at http://roundup.brophyprep.org. Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Also follow Roundup sports coverage on Twitter.
Also check out The Roundup’s new promotional video: