By Dallas Ducar ’10
What is your name and year?
My name is Megan Maerowitz, I am a senior at Xavier.
Christmas is coming up, are you excited?
Yeah, I’m excited. It’s a good time—it’s always fun— always a lot of cheer going on and jolliness.
If you could have anything at all for Christmas, what would it be?
Anything at all? Oh! A new car. Definitely a new car.
What type of car?
Convertible preferably but—any car will do. Any car that runs I guess.
Do you still believe in Santa?
Yes I do. Yes, I believe in Santa. I don’t know what kind of question that even is—I don’t even know.
So what do you say to those who do not believe in Santa?
I just tell them to look deep inside their soul and reevaluate their life.
How do you feel about the Christmas dance?
I think it’s cool because all the girls get excited—they get dressed up—have a lot of fun so I’m exited for it.
Do you think boys put enough effort into the Christmas dance?
Not so much, I don’t think they get as excited, but I mean the guy will have fun if he has a good date and I’m sure they have fun.
If you could go with anyone to the Christmas dance, ANYONE at all, who would it be?
I would probably do that one dude from “Twilight,” or I’d go with Bob
Marley—he’d be a fun Christmas dance date.
Who would win in a fight? A velociraptor or a samurai?
A samurai has swords so I’m going to go with samurai.
Any reason you would pick the samurai besides the swords?
Well—just because he has swords, and he has ninja stars and stuff like that.
I’m sure he’s trained and stuff.
What do you do for fun?
Probably just hang out with friends, just relax, have a good time, try to get my mind off school, movies.
What is your opinion of the ICC’s record of prosecution of national leaders charged with crimes against humanity such as Radovan Karadzic and Omar al-Bashir?
Oh, I’m very passionate about that, I just—I can’t even discuss it, it’s too hurtful.