“Go big or go home.”
“Do or die.”
“You’re either first or you’re last.”
Phrases like these seem to define recent times.
The common denominator is this: Go above and beyond, put your whole effort into something and do it until you can’t anymore.
This generation is defined by extremes. Regardless of what the activity is, teens either put in their whole effort or they blow it off. There’s little to no middle ground.
This translates to an important question for the current generation of high school students: Are teenagers grossly excessive?
Regardless of the activity or the person, teenagers of this generation seem prone and inclined to do something in excess.
Some study excessively, others are overly involved in sports while others party in excess.
This edition of The Roundup takes a look at the different forms that teenage excess takes, including technology, substance abuse, sports and schoolwork.
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