By Michael Ahearne ’14

Brophy is home to many clubs, ranging from the Key Club to the Dungeons and Dragons Club.
Brophy is also home to many students who enjoy politics, and the combination of extracurricular activities and political interest combines in the Teenage Republicans and the Young Democrats.
The Teenage Republicans club is moderated by Dr. Sam Ewing and led by club president Grant Gustafson ’13.
Dr. Ewing has been moderating the club for the past six years, but the club has been around a lot longer than that.
What Dr. Ewing said he enjoys most about the club is that it gives people a chance to understand more about why they think the way they do and possibly even challenge that when it comes to politics.
Gustafson has been in the club for more than two years. The club meets about once a week and usually talks about politics and what is in the news.
“It’s just about staying aware and knowing what’s going on, especially because all the seniors now can vote. It’s our duty to know something about the candidates and something about the issues, and not just listen to one reporter’s view on it,” Gustafson said.
The club’s character varies from year to year depending on leadership. Sometimes the president of the club is energetic and really involved, while some are more laid back.
Occasionally, they have debates with Young Democrats club.
Outside of school, the Teenage Republicans help out with charitable projects and organizations such as Packages from Home, a group that sends packages to troops overseas.
The club also helps with projects such as when U.S. Sen. John McCain was running for president. The club went down to a phone bank and they met Sen. McCain.
They have also gone to the Arizona State House and helped to register voters.
The Young Democrats club is moderated by Mr. Tom Danforth ’78 and led by club co-presidents, Michael Scarborough ’12 and Carlos Mandeville ’12.
Mr. Danforth has been moderating the club for about the past 15 years, and helped to start the Young Democrats club.
Scarborough has been in the club since freshman year, and Mandeville was in the club freshman year, left, then came back junior year and they both share the presidency of the club.
Mr. Danforth said he started the Young Democrats after getting tired of hearing announcements on the PA about the Teenage Republicans meetings.
He gathered some of the students he had gotten to know through class and the Puebla trip to Mexico, and he started the Young Democrats club.
The club talks about legislation that is being presented and about the political world in general.
They are also working to promote the club around campus.
They work outside of school, doing a lot at the Democratic headquarters, working at phone banks calling voters to remind them about elections.
Club members said they also enjoy going to debates, meeting candidates and political officials, and going door to door to express their beliefs about certain candidates and elections.
Some Democrats have already started to get involved in the Obama campaign.
Even though they are part of different parties, members from each club will occasionally visit the other.
“I go to their meetings occasionally, and it’s just fun to talk with them too,” Gustafson said. “They may have completely opposing views, but at least they care, and that’s one of the most important things to me, and that’s why I like them. I invite them to our meetings and I go to theirs because it’s nice because we all know what’s going on.”