Tuning in to college hoops March 1 does not create an expert
By Andrew Marini ’13
Spring is in the air, St. Patrick’s Day is around the corner and, above all, the madness is beginning as I walk into first period and notice everyone’s NCAA tournament brackets in hand.
As second period rolls the so called “bracketologists” from an hour before no longer enjoy college basketball as they watch their brackets bust.
Everyone from high school freshmen to the President of the United States seems to get into March Madness, even if they don’t know anything about college basketball.
According to Psychologytoday.com, “We love March Madness because it’s one of those events that play’s out the human condition – hard work, competition, joy and sorrow.”
We all start our brackets by picking higher seeds, but as the weeks progress we end up rooting for the Cinderella stories. We might not know where schools such as Norfolk State or Lehigh even are, but we can’t seem to suppress the urge to cheer them on as they go up against household names like Duke and Missouri.
As someone who starts watching college basketball in November rather than March, I am usually pretty confident when I get into an argument with someone who is picking their winners based on coin-flips or mascots.
However, no matter how you attempt to pick your bracket it is hard to avoid bearing-down in an argument about March Madness and that is because for two weeks we all think we are “bracketologists.”
As the weeks progress and as students frequently check the Hoopness.com rankings, the kids who supposedly had a top tier bracket now have to succumb to the scrutiny as they stare at the star next to their name meaning that they have been eliminated.
Once April rolls on and only the final matchup remains it seems that the number of college basketball fans decreases severely, because as much as people love competition, when you are no longer in one it becomes a far less interesting matter.
Now as the college basketball season winds down so does the interest for it. And even when it starts up again in November you can still count on not hearing about it until March.