By Alex Stanley ’12
The Roundup
This month The Roundup looked at students’ options and lives after high school and examined if the school does more than just prepare students for college.
This eventually led to the creation of the title “Career Prep.”
This is a title many people will appreciate, because after all what is an education for but finding a career? Who cares about becoming an intelligent, contributing human being when there is the possibility of becoming filthy rich?
Sadly enough, many people have adopted this incorrect vision of what a career is, and rightly so, as they want the best for themselves. That is, being well off for the future.
But perhaps this has been taken to an extreme, as people are sacrificing intelligence and an enjoyable career for money.
What these people should be focusing on is receiving a balanced education.
In addition to being more intelligent and knowledgeable in all subjects, they should be able to formulate an idea of what they like or do not like.
This then leads to the proper choosing of a career, and one that they enjoy.
After all, people these days are working more than they are not. So choosing an occupation that one loves is probably a wiser idea than working solely for money.
In addition to finding a suiting career, a good education also helps to foster intellect.
There is no compromise for becoming a well-informed person.
Being a citizen that can positively contribute to this world is overall better for the advancement of society than merely being a millionaire.
Brophy definitely provides a great education, and students should take advantage of this rather than worrying about a career.