Non-Catholic students comfortable in religious environments, feel welcome in community
By Reece M. Krantz ’16 & Brendan Hinkle ’16 | THE ROUNDUP
Brophy is a Catholic, Jesuit private school, which could leave many people believing its student body is all Catholic.
Students separate spirituality and religion, mixed on beliefs
By Hayden Prescott Corwin ’15 | THE ROUNDUP
Spirituality and religion are two terms that are often used when talking about what faith a person believes and how they practice it.

Agliano models faith in class, on field
By Jace Riley ’16 | THE ROUNDUP
Mr. Chris Agliano knows faith is not something all students blindly accept.
Biology classes teach evolution-based curriculum
By Riley Morrison ’16 | THE ROUNDUP
Though many schools in the United States, both private and public, are being accused of teaching with a creationist agenda in the science classroom, Brophy educators continue to teach evolution.
Ignatian tradition of team prayer inspires athlete
By P. Erik Meyer ’14 | THE ROUNDUP
Before most sporting events at Brophy, coaches and teammates can be seen participating in a group prayer.
Teacher’s share in Catholic education experience
By Chase L. Manson ’16 | THE ROUNDUP
Not so long a go, Brophy teachers sat in a desk ready to learn.
Sikh students search for identity, fight prejudice
By Garrison Murphy ’15 | THE ROUNDUP
Chandan Saini ’14 and Maanik Chotalla ’16 have many things in common.
They are both basketball fans, both come from traditional Indian families and they are both practicing Sikhs.
Students debate merits of religion, impact on society
By Tanner Nypen ’15 and Reece M. Krantz ’16 | THE ROUNDUP
Religion is important to our society because it consists as a basis for morality and serves as a way to work toward the betterment of others.
Staff Editorial: Spiritual diversity worth celebrating on campus
By Christian Guerithault ’14 & Charles Dominguez ’14 | THE ROUNDUP
The Issue: Some people see Brophy strictly as a Catholic school.
Our Stance: There’s religious diversity on campus, and that’s part of what informs our campus as a whole.
Pope Francis’ beliefs, lifestyle serve as welcome relief for Catholics
By William Joseph Borders IV | THE ROUNDUP
Pope Francis is different, very different.
He lives the most simple life that one of the most powerful and influential people in the world could.
Religion classes could offer more diversity, electives
By Tanner Nypen ’15 | THE ROUNDUP
Religion classes don’t often have a big place in traditional, secular academic settings.