Chris Stanek’19
After hosting the annual Frosh Mixer every year since its creation, Brophy turned the event over to Xavier this year.
Due to this change many opinions struck up about how it was going to turn out, but no one was sure.
Aidan McGuire ’20, a freshman at Brophy, said he enjoyed the Frosh Mixer very much.
“I met a lot of Xavier girls and didn’t expect to have as much fun as I did,” McGuire said. “The dancing was the best part of it.”
“I loved the swing dancing. I thought it was the best part of the dance only because I got dance with so many girls that I later got to meet,” McGuire said. “I only knew about two Xavier girls from my school, but I now know a lot more thanks to this dance.”
McGuire said he also enjoyed the other activities.
“I thought the food trucks were awesome and that the shared ice was really refreshing after dancing so much,” he said.
Though McGuire enjoyed the Frosh mixer he said having it later would make it better.
“I just thought the dance was too early in the day and that when I walked in the lights were too bright which did not make it seem like a dance party,” McGuire said. “I also wished that they did not have the dance split up between dancing and games.”
Drew Burns ’18, a Student Council representative, said Brophy’s role was more limited than usual.
“We merely just produced a layout on how to do their production video for the Frosh mixer” he said.
Burns said holding the Frosh Mixer at Xavier for the first time was different.
“We were not too sure on how Xavier would hold up the expectations of our own Frosh Mixers, but we decided that a change would be good,” Burns said.
Burns explained that the 2020 dance would be the first of its kind, and it was basically Brophy’s version of the Frosh mixer.