By Andrew Marini ’13

You’re walking through the Brophy mall when you notice a freshman doing pushups in the middle of the pathway.
To an outsider this would seem strange, but to a Brophy student you immediately know coach Mr. Scott Heideman is close by.
Mr. Heideman first started at Brophy in the Fall of 2007 when he was hired as a full-time substitute teacher, weight training coach and varsity football coach.
Prior to being hired he taught physical education and weight training at Boulder Creek in Anthem.
After a faculty member’s departure, Mr. Heideman took on teaching a health class.
Since then Mr. Heideman’s duties have changed in that he now coaches freshman football, JV-II lacrosse, teaches two health classes, helps out with Student Council when he has time and is the only full time substitute on campus excluding the Alumni Service Corps volunteers.
“Coach Heideman’s Health class was my favorite freshman year, I looked forward to learning from him every day,” said Nick May ’13. “He is a great teacher and coach.”
Students relive Mr. Heideman’s freshman health days when he substituted their classes, while students who didn’t have him get to experience his notorious personality.
“My favorite job is being the sub-coordinator, since it allows me to be with juniors one day and freshman another,” Mr. Heideman said. “It’s a great way to be able to check up on my former students as well as being able to build new relationships with students I didn’t have.”
“I think Coach Heideman is an awesome role model. In my opinion he is kind of the face of Brophy,” said Austin Kates ’14. “I probably set a record for most pushups in a day because of him, but I still know he will be a part of my best memories at Brophy.”
For those who don’t know why Mr. Heideman gives out pushups, he said it is for not properly addressing him as “coach” or “sir,” an act he believes helps build men.
“My favorite thing about Brophy is the students,” Mr. Heideman said. “I wake up every morning looking forward to coming to work, and I think that is a gift.”